Publishing Partnerships with ICRP
Open publishing infrastructureSystem with services The Phenom system and publisher services are designed to run open access publishing workflows – from submission and peer review, through to production and publication. Working for you All components are hosted on behalf of the journal owner, providing seamless updating of new features. open-access Choice of service options From submission to publication, or from post-acceptance to publication, phenom accommodates your needs. | Why partner with us?Extensive expertise Our scholarly publishing experience enables us to understand, anticipate, and support the needs of publishing partners. Retain ownership Your journal is fully supported by systems and services while you retain editorial control and ownership. Cost-effective Phenom is a managed open-source publishing system that reduces the internal resources required to run a world-class publishing program. |

The OJS system and publisher services are designed specifically to run end-to-end open-access publishing workflows.
Flexible Submissions
- Simple, intuitive submission process
- A clear indication of progress
- Extendable to include additional metadata fields
- Options include collecting funder information through integration with funder registry; addition of ORCiD at submission; integrating with institutional registries (eg GRID, ROR...)
- Self-service tools allow configuration of administrative settings, such as setting up teams and sections
- Manuscripts ingestible following exchange standards
Editorial Screening
- Editorial screening checks and escalation: iThenticate and plagiarism checks, suspicious keywords, suppression lists, author verification (publication record), citation analysis
Peer Review Management
- Three main editorial models: Chief Editor/Managing Editor with final decision; Chief Editor/Managing Editor without final decision; Section Editors
- Manuscripts are assigned manually via Editor or automatically via taxonomy
- Currently supports single-blind peer review
- Reviewers can be invited on your behalf, suggested by the editor, or integrated with Publons reviewer finder tool.
- Manuscripts exportable following exchange standards
Post Peer Review Screening
- Post-accept screening check and escalation
- Mandating ORCiD for submitting author and verifying its validity
- Manuscript file checks, reviewer checks, post-acceptance material and quality checks
APC Billing and Collection
- Invoice created post-article acceptance
- Authors can split payments and assign an invoice to their institution or pay it themselves via bank transfer, PayPal or credit card
- Management of institutional and funder discounts
- Auto and manual management of waivers
Production Management
- Manuscripts are tracked at each stage of the production process, enabling reporting on workloads and turnaround times
- Manuscripts marked up for style and graphics are checked for house style and re-drawn
- Manuscripts are typeset and copy-edited
- Authors have access to an online proofing system for corrections (or those handled via PDF or email)
- Final article versions were created in JATS 1.1 XML, epub 3.0, archive PDF and SVG formats.
- Abstracting and indexing services
- Journal websites can be customised from a template and served on a chosen domain
- can be used as a hosting domain whilst reflecting your journal identity
- Final files can be delivered to your current journal platform